7 Reasons Why Internal Communication is Important

Any business that does not improve its internal communication is destined to suffer. Poor internal communication introduces delays in the work. There is no way the team can deliver projects on time from initial requirements to project deliverables; everything is delayed due to poor communication. Effective internal communication facilities dialogue within the team. This keeps everyone informed and on the same page. Big corporations invest in internal communication strategy planning. However, small and medium-sized companies can use employee intranet software to ensure efficient communication within the team. This communication has to be clear and regular.

The following are the top 7 reasons why internal communication is important:

1. Keeps team members informed

This is an obvious reason for having effective internal communication. You need to keep your team informed of goals, challenges, policies, procedures, strategies, timelines, events and more. This also creates a sense of openness and transparency. People feel ignored and they don’t appreciate it when kept in the dark. They need to know more about their project’s goals, team’s goals and their organization’s goals. As a manager, it is your responsibility to choose the right employee intranet software and promote communication.

2.  Provides Holistic View

Team members think that internal communication is top-down messaging. It is initiated by leaders for employees. However, internal communication is a two-way street. It directs people’s direction. However, getting their attention cannot be helpful if they feel voiceless. Therefore, your internal communication strategy should not only focus on securing attention and delivering a message to their wide audience. It should also promote two-way communication. A team works at its best when it gets input from all team members. Team members should know that their inputs are valued. Give a voice to your team through internal communication.

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3. Builds Organization’s Culture

One of the main purposes of promoting internal communication is to promote the company’s culture. A successful internal communication strategy makes team members feel involved. Similarly, a poor internal communication strategy leaves them clueless. Team members interpret the organization’s cultural landscape through announcements, news updates, messages, CEO blog articles and so on. 

4. Boosts Engagement

If you want to boost engagement, you have to promote thoughtful, interactive, two-way communication instead of top-down messaging. Engagement means asking questions about projects, policies, events etc. Also include sharing thoughts on important news. The purpose is not only to communicate ideas but also to encourage team members to communicate. Their voice and ideas should be listened to.

5.  Keeps People Calm During the Crisis

Sometimes, you have to restructure your team or the business goes through tough times. These are the situations that are very difficult to handle without internal communication. Important announcements should reach every single team member. You have to ensure complete transparency as people have some questions to ask during such situations. The leadership should use internal communication to convey positive messages.

6. Creates Another Dimension to Workplace

A lot of people are fine with coming to the office, attending meetings, talking to colleagues, finishing the job and leaving. They may find it a dull job. However, some team members want to be involved. They might want to take part in developing culture. Internal communication keeps them informed of the opportunities such as leadership training programs, speaking events, media coverage etc. Internal communication let them know that there are other opportunities to take advantage of.

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7. Creates a Channel for Discussion, Debate and Feedback

No internal communication strategy can be effective if it doesn’t consider feedback, discussion and debate. This is how internal communication improved. Discussion forums, employee polls, opportunities for feedback or criticism should be encouraged.

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